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Mrinal Anand

"Mrinal Anand, an event that cherishes the memories of two of our very own. An event that values their passion for Cricket. An event where old meets new to prove the love that IBS holds for all things sporty. For a nation obsessed with Cricket, we as students are consumed by the same frenzy. So over the years as a means of a tribute and as a way to keep the cricketer in all alive, Alumni Relations Cell in association with VAPS organizes the Mrinal Anand Tournament.

Through the three day event, alumni teams compete with the current teams on the field to judge which crew is the best. The event is all about reminiscing about the old times while creating new moments with the various batches in collaboration. Mrinal Anand is a salute to the great times that the IBS field has seen with the laughter’s of those two flying high as a souvenir."

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